Digging on or near school grounds can pose a risk to underground pipelines and utilities. Calling or clicking “811” to have underground infrastructure marked prior to digging is free and can help prevent an unnecessary school emergency.
Be vigilant of any nearby construction or excavation work and ensure that the person doing the digging has had underground pipelines and utilities marked on behalf of student and community safety.
Has 811 Been Notified?
A good indication that 811 has been notified is the presence of temporary markings such as colored paint and/or flags in the area the work is being performed. Below is a Uniform Color Code Chart (below) that lists what each color represents.
Go to www.call811.com and select your state to learn more.
Teach kids a safety message that will last a lifetime. Multi-media materials are free for educators, troops, 4-H leaders or parents to download and use in teaching children about 811. http://call811.com/get-involved/811-kids
Industry Safeguards
To ensure the safe construction and operation of pipelines on behalf of public and environmental safety, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) along with state government agencies, set and enforce strict regulations.
Pipeline operators use a combination of measures to protect the nation’s energy infrastructure including the use of control centers which monitor their pipeline systems 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Additionally, operators routinely inspect their pipelines using a variety of methods from in-person examinations and aerial patrols to the use of high-tech internal inspection devices. Cathodic protection is also used to prevent corrosion.